<![CDATA[Top Health and Fitness Facility in the World - Healthy Happy Hour]]>Sun, 28 Apr 2024 18:24:30 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[How To Improve Daily Performance Through SEX]]>Thu, 29 Oct 2020 00:13:51 GMThttps://functionised.com/hhh/how-to-improve-daily-performance-through-sex
How to Improve Daily Performance Through Sexual Acts
By: Jim Goetz, NBCE, CES

Sex and the Flow State

Sex is a gateway to the flow state. The flow state is what is aptly known as, “the zone” in sports. It’s the state of pure focus and concentration where your levels of performance are seemingly raised to new heights. Flow state is a state of hyperfocus in one area causing one to achieve new levels. 

When it comes to sex, the flow state can lead to courage and for one to push their boundaries and explore new things and experiences.

In order to accomplish this, one must first eliminate sex from the mind. No longer is sex about the act of sex but instead sex becomes primal. Sex becomes allowing the body to seek out what it truly desires. This allows the body and mind to tap into deep levels of freedom, healing and creativity. Sex then becomes a positive tool of progress as opposed to an activity to fulfull an act (meaning the act of foreplay, penetration and orgasm). When the idea of sex and this act are eliminated, sex can instead be brought to whole new levels.

All too often, individuals are obsessed with the orgasm. The orgasm however is different in men and women. Really amazing sex increases the spiritual side of an individual and actually is deeper than the orgasm in of itself. Yet if the orgasm is the goal and only goal, then failure for either partner to achieve an orgasm leads to mental defeat and decreased confidence.

Therefore, when you remove the orgasm as your goal, you become liberated. To do this you must simply focus on your partner as your goal and not achieving an orgasm. You are not there for a performance but a deep state of fulfillment. 

Your central nervous system sees sex the same as life and death. Without sexual fulfillment (that is if you still are chasing an orgasm for either partner), then the subconscious becomes starved and without sustinance sex then becomes death of ones soul. 

Compare if you would sex to fine dining. With a five star meal at a five star restaurant with the perfect partner, you can either leave the restaurant feeling a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment or you can simply leave with the feeling of being full as if you crammed a bunch of food in your mouth. 

When individuals go through sex as an act (foreplay, penetration, orgasm), they can often feel as if sex is mundane and they can begin to feel stuck. In order to feel unstuck, one can utilize different biohacks. One is neurofeedback. Another is mindfulness. Perhaps even utilizing audio visual entrainment while combining the experience with mindfulness.  

When one imagines a brief fantasy of true enjoyment, they can significantly increase their brain activity. This leads to being unstuck and improves productivity, creativity and performance. This brief fantasy is different than thinking about what someone else wants or what you feel you should think about. This is about letting yourself go and passing a realm of limits. It’s about understanding true pleasure and allowing yourself to mentally experience it. Then refocus on the task at hand and that task at hand will be completed far more efficiently and effectively. 

When we are in an analytical state (typical of a high performing individual); this state blocks emotion and empathy. You become shut down and this includes the idea of sex.

By using the technique(s) described above, you will shut off your analytical mind thus increasing empathy, joy, the sense of calm, creativity and an overall sense of being one and united with those around you. 

Now when it comes to confidence and achievement, there’s a difference between mental or actual sexual experiences and made up experiences without any mental involvement...namely porn.

Porn actually releases neurochemicals that blunt the flow of dopamine, causing our body to want more dopamine and as a result an addiction develops. With this addiction/ habit, there is zero sense of accomplishment. Confidence goes down and failure is inevitable.

By participating in sexual acts with “the one” where the acts mean participating in sexual activity without the activity being an act in of itself as previously described (foreplay, penetration and orgasm), sex releases the analytical mind and you then are able to enter the flow state. 

Timing of Sex and Orgasm

Sexual energy is extremely powerful. Therefore, channeling this energy can be either extremely worthwhile or extremely wasted. 

Worthwhile sexual energy can increase the quality of ones life, increase productivity and decrease stress. Wasted sexual energy will have an opposite effect as it increases stress, increases anxiety, and increases chances of failure.

Without an orgasm, ones world can keep spinning. Once an orgasm occurs, life as we know it is disrupted for those few moments of amazement. This is why many athletes have a history of abstaining from sex before competition.

Let me explain…. 

Research on mice showed that when researchers stimulated their hypothalamus, the mice became extremely violent. The researchers then stimulated the hypothalamus of the mice while they were having sex. The mice reacted very differently. They had zero violent tendencies whatsoever. However, once the mice ejaculated, they became violent once again. 

Both sex and violence is a survival mechanism in us. The act of violence wards off predators while sex ensures continuity of our species. The stimulation in mice created violence as a mechanism for survival while the violence was subdued as further continuation of it’s species was more important from a primal perspective than self preservation. The mice had subconsciously channeled their energies into creation as opposed to defense. Without the opportunity of preservation of species, self preservation became key in order to have the opportunity to once again create more mice.

Psychologists have a term called, “sublimation”. This means to channel ones sexual energy into creativity or physical action. This is the same idea as previously discussed on how to use mindfulness in order to enter flow state. This is why (and through motivation- how) athletes abstain from sex before competition. 

A mans sex drive is by far the most powerful force he posesses while a womans sex drive undergoes a hormonal ebb and flow. While a man’s greatest desire is to procreate, a woman wants to ensure a dependable mate to want to have sex with so she may ultimately have a baby. Most of the time this female urge is greatly subconscious. But none the less, it is an evolutionary impulse that she wants to lie with a male who she believes will be able to pass his seed to her so he may fertilize her egg. If she feels unsafe around the male, she has zero desire to reproduce.

In the beginning of a woman's monthly cycle, an egg is released. This has been deemed the “love window”. If she feels cared for, she will release estrogen, which will in turn cause her mate to release more testosterone and spur on a sexual encounter where she will hopefully receive his seed.

The caveat occurs in postmenopausal women and in men with low testosterone. The two will often be on a hormonal roller coaster and never be riding the same car together. The woman will have reduced levels of estrogen while the male will not have the urge or confidence in the first place to have sex. In these cases, there will be zero primal urges and if one does somehow have them, most likely they will not be experienced at the same time. Anti- aging therapies and techniques can come into play to assist the couple if sex is an important part of their lives. As discussed earlier, sex can be utilized to enter a flow state and therefore increase success in this world. It would seem prudent anti- aging therapies might be essential for post menopausal women and men with low testosterone levels.

Let me digress for a moment. During the first week of a woman’s monthly cycle, she will have the best orgasms of the month. When a woman orgasms, her mate’s testosterone levels will increase two fold as a result of his subconscious satisfaction (something not achieved through porn).

After a male ejaculates though, it will take a full week for him to rebuild his testosterone levels back to their highest levels. This is why men often retreat and act…”like a dick”. After sex, both male and female estrogen levels increase. Combined with the release of oxytocin (the love hormone), females desire to bond. While some  males will “cuddle”, most will want to retreat to rebuild their stores of testosterone. 

With the release of added estrogen, other males around will have testosterone levels increased and also want to mate with the woman. Remember the mice? This is where the primary male may become violent again in order to protect not only his mate but the best chances of his seed reproducing from his sexual efforts as opposed to a competing male. Fascinating, right?!?

Here’s where things really get wild. While women are more inclined to be with only one partner as she must find one suitable to procreate one chid at a time and find comfort, satisfaction and confidence with this, men want to conquer. A man is far more primal in this aspect and even monogamous men who become polygamous have increases in testosterone when they “conquer” a woman who is not his primary mate. This is the nice way to say, men cheat because of a subconscious decision to have an opportunity to pass on his DNA and is rewarded with higher testosterone levels, which makes him feel more confident.

Now the way to overcome this primal urge is to ejaculate once every seven days. This will keep a man in check. As his testosterone peaks, he releases and his testosterone needs that week to recover back to optimal levels.

However, when it comes to physical performance, research has shown that a man who orgasms once every 30 days is optimal. He can have sex daily, just not orgasm. The sublimation of sexual energy leads to far higher performance. Therefore, it’s not a wives tale for athletes to abstain before competition. They actually will have a better chance to perform better. Timing is (on average) 30 days. Self testing should be done for individual performance.

Sexual Conclusion

We have discussed entering a flow state and timing of sex for high performance. It would then be prudent to understand that sex is more than a primal instinct but a biohack in order for an individual to achieve more in their activities of daily living. A CEO can become a mega CEO. A mid level manager can rise to CEO. An entry level position employee can thrive and be promoted through the ranks. A mom can be a super mom. Dad can be a super dad. An athlete can become an all star or champion. 

Practice is as only as good as you practice. Therefore, perfect practice makes perfect (or at least as close to perfect as possible). So…..turn off the porn. Find an open minded and trustworthy partner you can be open with and discuss things that are far more than superficial and be able to be as open as possible at what truly excites you. Practice sex not as an act but an experience where an orgasm is not the goal and depending on your goal (as a guy), ejaculate once a week to once a month. 
Combine that with multiple “rounds” (as discussed on Healthy Happy Hour at Functionised) last week as was termed, “high intensity interval sex”- and you will be positively changed for the better.

Live Functionised!!!!

<![CDATA[Why Can't I Lose Weight on Fun Friday at Functionised]]>Mon, 26 Oct 2020 19:42:39 GMThttps://functionised.com/hhh/why-cant-i-lose-weight-on-fun-friday-at-functionised
The Most Common Excuses We Tell Ourselves and Believe

  • This is stated to be in terms of our health, but many hold true or similar for many other aspects of our life.
  • The difference between excuses and reasons is a reason legitimately stops and changes the scenario where excuses changes the mind to convince us that it changes the scenario
    • I couldn’t work out today because I got in car accident and was in the hospital
    • I didn’t eat healthy today because I forgot my lunch
      • ...wait, did you look for healthy options for lunch before reaching for fast food? Did you not eat? What matters to you more?
  • We all do this, but the importance of admitting the ones you use to yourself is imperative to help you improve
    • Admit the problem, know what it is, and then you can fix it
    • Can’t fix what you don’t recognize and admit
  • I don’t have the time
    • Mad Scientist’s Favorite…
    • We all have the same amount of time, so it comes down to what do you care about, and how will you make the time
      • You would drive an hour to make $1000 if offered guaranteed, so how about 30minutes to improve your health and life span?
    • We make time for what we want where we should make our time for what we need, which are you doing?
  • I was too tired to exercise
    • Time management, did you plan it wrong and would you have been better working out in the morning?
      • Either way, why can’t you exercise tired?
    • You’ll wake up with exercise
    • We get more energy by eating well and exercising regularly
  • It’s Too Expensive
    • Dietarily speaking
      • I have asked my patients “oh, so how much more did it cost you to make a meal compared to eating out? You’ve clearly calculated it since you know it’s more pricey, how can we help make it cheaper?”
      • Keto Project, the organic grass finished beef was actually cheaper in a month than “Burger King Diet”
      • I pay about $2.25 to $6 a meal when I cook. Bulk and prep cooking helps a lot
    • Exercise
      • You don’t have to pay a dime
        • Calisthenics, running, jumping
        • Parks, trees, anything can be used to improve
      • Barely a few bucks a months in most gyms
        • You’d spend more on lunch this week then a gym membership all year
  • “My Wife had a hard day so we went to KFC and then a bar”
    • ...what the heck does that have to do with you eating well?
      • Tying your health to somebody else rarely works and is highly recommended against
    • Last time my girlfriend had a bad day, I made her sherbert with coconut milk and frozen fruit
    • Use that time to bring them up, not pull yourself down
  • “I already did ________, so then I said forget it”
    • I hear this routinely with nutrition patients
    • “I messed up and ate sugary cereal with breakfast, so I figured I already ruined it so I decided to grab a candy bar, and then eat……”
    • This should be a reason to get your ish together, not fall apart
    • I used to fall for this and was my personal strongest excuse (DMB)
    • Expect to be perfect, move on when you’re not, and don’t allow short term gratification to halt long term happiness
  • Healthy food tastes bad
    • Here at #functionised, you see us, we eat well in every way, so can you
    • What are you eating, and is it healthy? 
    • Realise there’s hundreds of food that can be considered healthy
      • Then there is dozens of ways to cook most individual foods
      • Broccoli- stuffed in meat, in omelettes, in soups, in salsa/hummus/guacamole, etc
  • “I don’t enjoy exercise”
    • Why do you HAVE to enjoy it?
    • Have you tried every form of exercise 
      • No, no you haven’t
    • You will find something that you enjoy and not realise it’s exercise
      • Tennis, rock climbing, ARX, Carol/biking, handball, sex
  • “I’m in great shape compared to others my age”
    • If that was fact, then we would be done
      • And are you in Good shape, or just better than the guy you are comparing to?
      • If true, then great, become better
    • Better shape vs good shape?
    • Overall who cares, be in shape compared to yourself in a way that you can live long, well, and prosperous
  • “It didn’t work for me when I tried it before”
    • You shouldn’t have tried, you need to DO it
    • How much did you try? What did you try? Did you do something thats a proven livable lifestyle or a fad that is meant to fail in a few months to restart again?
    • What did you try?
    • Even if you gave it your all and failed, how is that a reason to not try again?

<![CDATA[High Intensity Interval Sex]]>Wed, 21 Oct 2020 22:10:37 GMThttps://functionised.com/hhh/high-intensity-interval-sex
“Can I share a secret?” I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but” We’ve never shared this on before but if you want to hear and see how you can make your sex life hotter, more fulfilling and enjoyable, then check out this Healthy Happy Hour on High Intensity Interval Sex with Jim and Chantea Goetz!!!
<![CDATA[How to Eliminate Acne]]>Sat, 17 Oct 2020 15:20:04 GMThttps://functionised.com/hhh/how-to-eliminate-acne
How to cure your acne with nutrition and hormone regulation
Intro/ Acne’s effects With Diet
  • 85% of  teenagers have acne
    • A history of moderate to severe acne is highly correlated with increased risk of breast and prostate cancer
      • Hormonal based and TOR
  • It is considered a western disease and is far less and even nonexistent in many countries, especially less industrialised 
    • TOR activity is known to be raised with moderate amounts of dairy and any processed foods
      • Increased TOR is correlated to premature puberty, acne, cancer, expedited cellular aging, diabetes, alzhimer’s and more

Acne and Hormones
  • 70% of all young adults have skin problems during puberty
    • Most times acne significantly improves as an adult, (over 25yrs) but 40% still are affected by it, predominantly women at 85% of them
  • Adult Onset in the “t-zone” of the forehead, nose and chin is a correlated sign of hormone imbalance, usually high testosterone
    • Same with the chin strap
  • During puberty, male and females get a surge in all hormones, including androgens
    • This stimulates sebrum in sebaceous glands, and too much accumulation causes acne
      • Too little causes cracked dry skin, too much can cause a hard plug around follicle to cause acne
  • For men, our hormones typically stabilize after puberty, women is a different story
    • Monthly fluctuations for 20 years, massive changes post menopause, pregnancy causes several more monthly surges. 
    • Earmuff talk for The Mad Scientist;- premenstral acne
      • Women are most likely to get it in the 2nd half of their cycle
      • Progesterone and Oestrogen increase heavily in the first 2 weeks, and then plummet right before…”it” happens and they are at their lowest
        • When they drop, testosterone is actually higher than most female reproductive hormones, sebrum is still high from progesterone boost, and acne is likely
      • Some women find that contraceptives help via SHBG (sex-hormone binding globulin) sponges up testosterone with increases estrogens and decreases sebrum, and acne

The Gut to Skin Axis
  • If  there is SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and the gut is inflamed, it rapidly causes systemic inflammation via inflammatory cytokines throughout the body
    • Skin is the largest organ of the body so no wonder it frequently gets attacked 
    • This is leaky gut, what occurs with food sensitivites and allergies that aren’t in check, SAD diet, etc
  • Skin, brain fog, and bloating are the most common symptoms when there is a gut issue, and when it is the primary factor involved, going on a precise healthy lifestyle for the individual typically causes rapid changes in all 3 areas.

Dairy Acne
  • Research showed that dairy and sugar are among the greatest factors associated with acne. In this analysis, more people with acne consume dairy products (48.2%) compared to those who don’t (38.8%). People who regularly eat soda, pastries, chocolates and other sweets were also more likely to suffer from acne
    • There is also all the sugar that is in milk, as well as inflammatory for many people with sensitivities which increases acne chance
  • Acne is mostly a Western civilization disease with 85% of adolescents having it
    • Aside from a random pimple or 2, basically unheard of in eastern cultures, especially those without high glycemic packaged foods and dairy
  • The majority of our milk comes from pregnant cows where their hormones are even higher than normal, but then we add hormones to them to produce even more. 
    • Appears to be a part of hormonal acne.
    • We aren’t cows, and we aren’t meant to be drinking milk from mothers into and beyond our 20’s anyway! Not very natural
      • I don’t drink human milk at this age, nor should we (colostrum is a different topic) but it would still be better as our bodies were made a little
Does Chocolate  cause acne?
  • Apparently, yes!
    • A study had capsules of white chocolate, placebo, and pure cocoa powder and acne prone subjects ate 240 of them to act as a “binge”
      • The white chocolate group had the most increases in pimples, white/black heads
      • But cocoa still doubled the acne in 4 days.
        • Some pimple prone may get it from chocolate. Likely to decrease as we age
        • This study however was men only
          • Would there be more or less if the hormonal fluctuating women were tested?- don’t know, but we can argue about it?
    • Previously thought it was just the milk and sugar involved (plays a factor though)
    • Cutting back sugar and processed foods however, helps nearly all acne sensitive individuals due to inflammatory markers within a few months, even with severe acne

Acne and Bacteria
  • Drugs are the go to for the majority still in the wEstern culture, though tides are slowly changing to less invasive and damaging modalities, but are still very rampant. 
    • Antibiotics are still the first line prescribed treatment for acne, even though it’s statistically not as effective as it was a decade ago
      • Due to more acne caused by hormones and diet?
      • Bacteria have evolved to be more drug resistant
      • More people have acne due to non-bacterial causes which will shift the percentage of antibiotic effective treatment
  • Bacteria can cause acne due to having too much “bad” or good bacteria on the skin where they cause a decrease in the breakdown of sebrum, and cause the follicle to become inflamed and create acne
  • Antibiotics though may inversely cause acne and other issues down the road due to killing the gut flora, causing an imbalance, and then return to systemic inflammation
Other causes?
  • Over washing your face
    • Just like how over doing hand sanitizer kills the bacteria that creates a protective barrier and can increase the risk of warts
      • This can deplete the protective skin barrier allowing bacteria and blockages of pores and increase acne
      • Skin could then try to overcompensate for depleted oils, and create more which can in turn, lead to more acne

Tea tree oil or Benyzol alcohol
  • These are the 2 most commonly used self care items people try for acne, and for some decent reasons, mostly due to they are the top google findings and searches for it.
  • There was a RCT comparing the 2
    • In 6 weeks with tea tree oil
      • 40% decrease in white/black heads, 47& drop in pus filled pimples and 40% drop in red and tender acne bumps
        • 3.5x more effective than placebo
      • Helps with the inflammation, but not bactericidal in pimples due to a biofilm protective layer- works in petri dish just fine…. 
    • Benzoyl peroxide- most common over the counter method, even with known side effects
      • May cause irritation, red itchy skin, peeling, dryness, or burning
      • Was about 5-15% more effective than Tea Tree oil

  • I was asked about this one specifically, so here it is
    • Looks like an elongated cranberry
    • Has berberine in high amounts
    • 43%-45% less pimples and zits in 1 month
      • 2 tablespoons of juice a day

<![CDATA[Assessing My Health on Healthy Happy Hour]]>Wed, 14 Oct 2020 12:43:16 GMThttps://functionised.com/hhh/assessing-my-health-on-healthy-happy-hour
 After years of personal experience and many trial and error life changes of my own, I am thoroughly motivated to share with you the tools I’ve used to improve my own relationship to health!It’s my goal today to share the most effective ways to improve your health and also to help YOU assess your stance on them honestly and truthfully. I believe that being honest with ourselves about our health is the only way to get to the bottom of any issues and start to implement lasting changes!!Any questions you might have along the way you can leave in the comments below and we can get the conversation started! As always -please maintain an open, honest, and understanding mind when it comes to each other’s unique experiences. This way we can start to cultivate more honesty and openness around our relationship with health.Are you ready?? One huge aspect of improving your health in any area is first to assess what your current relationship with that area is. To do this, it’s important to ask yourself (and honestly answer) the question of ‘what does health mean to you?’Consider your understanding of the word health, and then consider your idea of optimum health.Now....what is the difference between the two definitions? Many people would consider their idea of health somewhere within the spectrum of a state of optimum physical and mental health, yet even within this, there are many variables. Once you’ve compiled your ultimate definitions of health and well-being, it’s time to get things moving towards them!Get real about your current beliefs and habits. Be honest with yourself about your current state of health. This is the only way you’ll be able to move forward from a place of stable awareness.What are your priorities? To begin, ask yourself these questions: What have you allowed to take priority over your health? Are you prepared to tackle this lifestyle factor in order to take back control of your health?If the answer to the second question is no, then you still need to do some searching to uncover the true value of changing that answer to a YES!  In the same way that the term ‘physical health’ doesn’t merely outline your state of good/bad health in a given moment, ‘financial health’ doesn’t necessarily apply to how much money you currently have in your bank account. A healthy attitude towards money is achieved when we are realistic and calm about the flow of our income and expenditure to the extent that it neither rules our lives nor restricts us in any way. The same can be said about health. Our attitude is everything, and the way we should neither ignore nor obsess about our health is a delicate balance to maintain at all times.It’s often stated that being healthy is ‘expensive.’ While it’s true that many whole food stores and gyms can place an unfair strain on our pockets, the reality of this is that there are many other ways to achieve nutrition and fitness goals if we are set on doing so. It just may take a little research.22One thing we need to stress in this seemingly never-ending road to achieving health is that it’s not a straight path. We sometimes NEED to hit the low points in order to realize that something needs to change. These negative experiences are often exactly the motivation we need to keep going and achieving higher levels of health.Neither ignoring nor obsessing about our health, mindset, exercise, and food habits is healthy. It’s important to keep an eye on your beliefs surrounding your efforts to maximize them. If this area of health may be an issue for you, it can be helpful to ask yourself -1. Is my relationship to exercise/food/wellbeing beneficial or obsessive?2. Can I miss a day of exercise/wellness practices and NOT freak out?23Children are very easily influenced when it comes to belief systems. Between the ages of 7 and 11, we endure what psychologists call the mirroring stage, where we mirror beliefs, actions, and intentions of those whom we look up to. This can be parents, guardians, peers, or any other inspirational figures. It stands to reason so that the health habits of those we look up to will impact our lives too, and cause us to form beliefs and habits similar to those we observe during this phase.It’s interesting to consider the links between childhood illness and exposure to poor attitudes to health at a young age. So many adults don’t realize their poor attitudes and habits towards health until it has already become too late and illness has begun.If your health is at risk, it might be worth taking a look back at the attitudes and habits you were exposed to as you grew up -were they damaging or supportive? Did your parents respect their health as much as they cared for yours?The following study takes a look at children’s concept of illness and considers a thing like their early environment and past experiences with illness having shaped their beliefs as they get older: 24https://academic.oup.com/her/article/21/5/643/751632 24When it comes to assessing your health habits and how you relate to them on a day to day basis, the ultimate question comes down to this:Are you prepared to accept the habits which may be holding you back from experiencing optimum health? Do you WANT to experience optimum health and happiness? Making the choice to change the way you view health is ultimately a very personal one, and will look different for everybody. That’s why it’s important to do some deep self-introspection as you embark on the journey to improve your health. Be open, honest, and realistic with yourself about what may need to change, where you want to go, and how you will get there.Are you ready for this? What (if anything) do you feel is still holding you back?25Knowledge and awareness are great, and they will definitely help you as you progress through the various stages and challenges life presents us with. However, they are nothing without ACTION.ACTING on your beliefs is the first key stage to achieving optimum health, and continuous action means continuous and strengthened success.Are you ready to take action?What’s the first thing you’ll do to take action?26Here are some great resources used to assemble this class for you:http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/releases/psp-832261.pdf Creating your own reality with belief system: http://www.thehealersjournal.com/2013/09/18/create-reality-with-your-beliefs/ Eating right for body types https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-18384/how-to-eat-right-for-your-body-type.html Links between mental and physical health imbalances: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1071612/ What is a conditioned belief: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-conditioned-response-2794974 De-cluttering for mental health: https://www.livestrong.com/slideshow/1011917-decluttering-can-actually-benefit-health/ Formaldehyde scientific info: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/formaldehyde#section=Top Heavy Metal Exposure: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1764574/ Behavioral medicine: https://goo.gl/1GHgYZ Preventive medicine: https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/19932020318 Triggers and health: https://goo.gl/JjidvH 27Putting yourself first: https://www.victoriahealth.com/editorial/the-importance-of-putting-yourself-first-1Put yourself first: https://goo.gl/jRLebp Functional Medicine: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-6014/The-5-Principles-of-Functional-Medicine.html Honesty and health https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/07/honesty-healthy-lies-truth_n_1748144.html Costs of healthy eating: https://www.webmd.com/parenting/raising-fit-kids/features/healthy-food-cost#1 Finding balance: https://www.peacefuldumpling.com/is-fitness-taking-over-your-life-how-to-find-balance Children’s relationship to illness: https://academic.oup.com/her/article/21/5/643/751632
<![CDATA[Why Am I Fat and Nutrition Controversey on Fun Friday at Functionised]]>Sat, 10 Oct 2020 14:36:23 GMThttps://functionised.com/hhh/why-am-i-fat-and-nutrition-controversey-on-fun-friday-at-functionised
Does a High-Carbohydrate Diet Contribute to the Formation of Cataracts in Women?
    1. Cataracts defined- Cloudy vision that occurs from the lens thickening and becoming opaque
    2. If talking about diabetics, 100% yes
      1. When sugar levels rise out of control, the aqueous humor will increase in sugar levels (insulin resistance stops it from pulling into cells), causes the humor to swell
      2. The glucose in the aqueous humor will convert to sorbital which mutate proteins and causes an opaque lens
    3. Cataracts causes decreased vision, glare while driving at night, and halos around light – all of which can impact day-to-day function
  1. Taking Control of Health Through Food Choices, Activity, and Exercise
    1. I’m confused on what is controversial.
    2. Taking control of your health through food, activity and exercise is living a healthy lifestyle
    3. The “controversy” comes into play with how exactly to achieve that, but that’s what science and our years of expertise is for.
  2. Sugar or Sweeteners Added to Foods for Taste
    1. Companies are getting better with this in terms of what they are adding for flavor, but it’s still a major health issue that is fed on by consumer’s ignorance.
    2. We spoke some on “natural flavors” last week
    3. Theres been more companies adding coconut oils, stevia, and a few better options, but the mass majority is still added sugar, synthetic chemicals (“natural flavors”)
    4. Fat and sugar is what we are drawn towards for taste, and fat has a bad rep, it’s also a lot harder to put into prepackaged foods then sugar, additivies, and preservatives to stop that sugar and additives from going rancid
  3. Genetically-Engineered Vegetables and Cloned Farm Livestock.
    1. The biggest problem with this, is that we actually have no idea how dangerous this is.
    2. Change the genetic makeup of our food and mutate that DNA, it’s going to affect our DNA.
      1. Other countries won’t buy our food and sensitivities and allergies we have in this country “don’t exist” when we eat the same food out of the country
    3. Monsanto makes seeds that can not reproduce. 
      1. We are what we eat and absorb, so the genetic material that is used to make cells reproduce is going to damage the quality of the food at best, and at worst is changing our cells structure and function because we are getting a different “food” from what we evolved to eat
    4. There is no real way to test the differences GMO has on a life compared to not, so we are 1 giant observational study, and we can’t tell how much of it is the GMO, our processed foods, sedentary life style etc, but we know it’s all damaging
  4. Establishing Scientific Basis to Support Claims for Health
    1. So many health “claims” are opinions and marketing
      1. “Milk is great for bone health”
      2. No matter how much we discuss things like this, I still get the objection “but that’s not what I grew up being told”
        1. If I used that logic for everything in my life, I’d believe in the boogey man, santa, thing that thunder is god bowling, etc
    2. Who could be the governing body to establish true, unbiased health claims?
      1. Supposed to be the job of the FDA, WHO, etc
  5. Newspapers Devoting Less Space to In-Depth Nutrition Reporting
    1. I think this is a great idea!
    2. Unless these newspaper articles are written by unbiased experts in the field with cited information, we need less “nutrition news” because it’s all muddled information that is still used to sell the newspaper
    3. Cite scientific journals at minimum to at least show where information came from, otherwise it’s no different than a random self declared food and nutrition blogger
  6. General Assignment Reporters Having Not Enough Training in Explaining the Importance and Meaning of Scientific Research in Plain Language
    1. Plain language can cause misinterpreted information
      1. Saying “fats are bad and cause cholesterol” is technically true and false. 
        1. Some saturated fats like stearic acid decrease LDL and raise HDL
        2. Trans fats will raise cholesterol
          1. Specific language makes a huge difference in information
          2. Nutrition has become a language and marketing game
    2. This is where I do think the population does  need more education
      1. All my diabetic patents know they shouldn’t eat sugar, but most tell me that they need “carbs” in the form of juice or candy when their sugar goes low…
        1. I have read this before too, so the reporters need educated or shouldn’t be writing
        2. Imagine using “plain language” in the court room where everything is about using specific words and meaning?
  7. Reliance By Media on Experts with No Knowledge of How to Verify or See Flaws in the Expert’s Explanation
    1. Many experts as well as other individuals who do read research, only read the abstract/ results
      1. So many times there’s a paid bias, even if not acknowledged
      2. The abstract doesn’t have to be accurate to what’s in the paper and routinely is paraphrased to make it seem different
        1. “Fats proven to cause heart disease”
        2. Find out, it was a trans fat diet with processed and sugary foods
    2. We were literally tested on deciding what was a good study, and what was still wrong with it….Thanks Dr. Pearle
  8. Reporting Functional Foods Providing Health Benefits Beyond Basic Nutrition
    1. “Super foods”
      1. Pistachio and avocados marketing
      2. Cranberry used to be big and was put in everything due to its shown ability as an antioxidant that was declared it helps fight cancer.
  9. Food Labeling Issues (missing ingredients from labels such as ‘spices’ meaning MSG rather than a natural spice such as garlic powder.)
    1. “Sugar Free”- then has 5 ingredients that all mean sugar like HFCS, sucrose, etc
      1. If less than a certain amount, it can be marked as 0
        1. Sprinkles ingredient list, was marked at 0kcal because each serving was 1/16th of a tablespoon, so in that serving, there was too little glucose (the only ingredient other than coloring) for it to count as kcal
        2. 168 servings of “0 kcal” with glucose as the only ingredient
      2. Fiber- could be saw dust like I probably ate with The Keto Project Phase 1
  10. Soy protein: Does it cause health problems or is it healthy and may reduce risk of heart disease? Does it help prevent bone loss? Or does it over stimulate the thyroid? Is soy milk safe to drink or not? What is the ongoing debate about, and what are the issues and evidence? How much soy should or should not be consumed for what types of health effects?
    1. Do I need to go over this again?
    2. https://functionised.com/hhh/soy-boy-phenomenon
  11. Food allergies affect six to seven million Americans; What should be on food labels?
    1. The ingredients….shouldn’t be too much to ask.
    2. This has been an improvement, but a lot of room for growth
    3. Now at least needs to have specific allergen information for the 8 most common allergenic foods that make up 90% of them
      1. Eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, milk, fish, shellfish
      2. Over 160 known foods that can cause allergies, and other countries have more strict guidelines, such as Europe requires even celery to be labeled.
  12. Too much added salt to processed, packaged foods and restaurant foods.
    1. Difficult to make processed foods without additives and preservative
      1. Do we need these foods?
    2. Certainly we do not need to add salt to premade foods. 
      1. If it’s in a box or a can, its already salt added.
    3. Add it to food before you cook
  13. Trans-Fats added to packaged, processed, or prepared and restaurant foods and the issues regarding the effects on health of eating trans-fats.
    1. Other than fried foods, this is where the transfats are coming from
    2. Raises cholesterol, increases atherosclerosis, etc
    3. Shopping at “outside aisle” stores and farmers markets wil help
      1. You can’t control what is put into your prebought food, but you can control what you put into your body.

<![CDATA[Hydrogen Water and How Energy Drinks Kill on Healthy Happy Hour with Jim Goetz and Chantea Goetz]]>Wed, 07 Oct 2020 00:09:51 GMThttps://functionised.com/hhh/hydrogen-water-and-how-energy-drinks-kill-on-healthy-happy-hour-with-jim-goetz-and-chantea-goetz
Molecular hydrogen is a gas with very unique and selective antioxidant effects. Molecular hydrogen refers to diatomic hydrogen or H2 gas — two hydrogen atoms combined together. Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the universe and is neutral and nonpolar, which is why its bioavailability is so great. It does not dissociate into its electrons and protons when dissolved in water, so it will not alter the pH of water or your body - so it really has nothing to do with the concepts put in place about alkaline water. Hydrogen gas is three times more energy-dense than gasoline, which is why it's being looked at as an alternative energy source or fuel. Hydrogen is what powers the sun and fusion in producing helium. Research is finding that hydrogen can also be therapeutic, and is effective whether you inhale it, dissolve it in water and drink it, or apply it using other methods. There are more than 1,000 peer-reviewed scientific publications on molecular hydrogen, which have collectively demonstrated that H2 has therapeutic potential in over 170 different human and animal disease models. In fact, hydrogen is shown to benefit virtually every organ of the human body, The reason why is because hydrogen targets and mitigates the root cause of many diseases, inflammation, and oxidation. Molecular hydrogen remediates oxidative stress, which is one of the most fundamental mechanisms that destroy human health. That's why molecular hydrogen is so exciting — because it has such unique antioxidant effects that specifically target only the most harmful free radicals. There are two basic definitions of an antioxidant: 1) a molecule that donates an electron to a radical reaction, and 2) a molecule that improves the redox status of the cell. Redox stands for oxidation reduction. In your cells, you need both oxidation and a reduction of oxidation in order for everything to work properly.When that balance gets perturbed by too much oxidation, you end up with oxidative stress. If you don't have enough oxidation, you end up with other serious problems. In many cases, damage is not caused by an excess of free radicals but rather a redox dysregulation. Although not marketed as such, the first energy drink may have been Coca-Cola, launched in 1886, as it originally contained two strong stimulants — caffeine and cocaine.The company's name — Coca-Cola — was derived from the coca plant from which cocaine is derived and the kola nut, the source of caffeine. In 1960, Taisho Pharmaceuticals in Japan made the first drink specifically targeted at increasing energy. It contained essential vitamins, taurine, and niacin, metabolic agents proven to boost energy and concentration. Recent research shows energy drinks significantly prolong electrocardiogram measurements and raise blood pressure. The goal of the research was to determine the impact energy drinks may have on electrocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters in healthy volunteers with no known heart disease risk. They gathered 34 participants with an average age of 22 years and enrolled them in a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled crossover study. The participants drank 32 ounces of energy drink A, energy drink B, or a placebo over 60 minutes on three study days. Between each study day, they underwent a six-day washout period. The primary end measurement was the assessment of various heart rhythms and electrical properties of the heart, referred to in medical terms as the QT and QTc (corrected QT) intervals, PR interval, and QRS duration.The QT interval refers to your heart rhythm, starting at ventricular depolarization (known as QRS complex) to ventricular repolarization (known as the T wave). In layman’s terms, it can be explained as the electrical pulses that govern the pumping action of your heart.Long or prolonged QT refers to fast, chaotic heartbeats that can trigger fainting, seizure, or even sudden death. According to the Food and Drug Administration, prolongation of the QTc interval (which is measured by the ECG machine) is an established risk factor for heart arrhythmias. Results confirm the energy drinks caused a prolongation of the QTc interval that remained sustained over a four-hour period, as opposed to being a transient effect. Both commonly available energy drinks had a similar effect on the electrocardiogram parameters.They contained a combination of caffeine, taurine, glucuronolactone, and B vitamins. The placebo drink contained lime juice, carbonated water, and cherry flavoring.The energy drinks also raised brachial and central blood pressure measurements. They recommended those with acquired or congenital long QT syndrome and/or those with high blood pressure should limit their intake of energy drinks as the beverages may worsen these conditions.Lead author Sachin Shah, Pharm. D., professor of pharmacy practice at the University of the Pacific’s Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy in Stockton, California, stated the effects went beyond what they might expect from caffeine alone. He warned:"We urgently need to investigate the particular ingredient or combination of ingredients in different types of energy drinks that might explain the findings seen in our clinical trial.”

Although not marketed as such, the first energy drink may have been Coca-Cola, launched in 1886, as it originally contained two strong stimulants — caffeine and cocaine.The company's name — Coca-Cola — was derived from the coca plant from which cocaine is derived and the kola nut, the source of caffeine. In 1960, Taisho Pharmaceuticals in Japan made the first drink specifically targeted at
increasing energy. It contained essential vitamins, taurine, and niacin, metabolic agents proven to boost energy and concentration. Building on this, in 1987 Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz added caffeine and sugar and renamed the drink Red Bull. By 1997, Red Bull was introduced in the U.S., followed closely by Monster Energy drink and then 5-Hour Energy. An explosion of sales occurred by 2006 and while others have garnered part of the market, Red Bull remains the best known with annual sales near $2 billion globally.By 2012, 13 deaths had been reported over the past four years as the result of using 5-Hour Energy. The market value is predicted to reach $61 billion by 2021 and it's estimated 30% of teenagers from 12 to 17 years drink energy drinks on a regular basis. Recent research shows energy drinks significantly prolong electrocardiogram measurements and raise blood pressure. The goal of the research was to determine the impact energy drinks may have on electrocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters in healthy volunteers with no known heart disease risk. They gathered 34 participants with an average age of 22 years and enrolled them in a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled crossover study. The participants drank 32 ounces of energy drink A, energy drink B, or a placebo over 60 minutes on three study days. Between each study day, they underwent a six-day washout period. The primary end measurement was the assessment of various heart rhythms and electrical properties of the heart, referred to in medical terms as the QT and QTc (corrected QT) intervals, PR interval, and QRS duration.The QT interval refers to your heart rhythm, starting at ventricular depolarization (known as QRS complex) to ventricular repolarization (known as the T wave). In layman’s terms, it can be explained as the electrical pulses that govern the pumping action of your heart.Long or prolonged QT refers to fast, chaotic heartbeats that can trigger fainting, seizure, or even sudden death. According to the Food and Drug Administration, prolongation of the QTc interval (which is measured by the ECG machine) is an established risk factor for heart arrhythmias. Results confirm the energy drinks caused a prolongation of the QTc interval that remained sustained over a four-hour period, as opposed to being a transient effect. Both commonly available energy drinks had a similar effect on the electrocardiogram parameters.They contained a combination of caffeine, taurine, glucuronolactone, and B vitamins. The placebo drink contained lime juice, carbonated water, and cherry flavoring.The energy drinks also raised brachial and central blood pressure measurements. They recommended those with acquired or congenital long QT syndrome and/or those with high blood pressure should limit their intake of energy drinks as the beverages may worsen these conditions.Lead author Sachin Shah, Pharm. D., professor of pharmacy practice at the University of the Pacific’s Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy in Stockton, California, stated the effects went beyond what they might expect from caffeine alone. He warned:"We urgently need to investigate the particular ingredient or combination of ingredients in different types of energy drinks that might explain the findings seen in our clinical trial.” Dr. John Higgins, chief of cardiology at Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital, led a study looking at the effects of energy drinks on blood vessel function. He enlisted 44 nonsmoking, healthy medical students in their 20s and tested the students’ blood vessels before and 90 minutes after they drank a 24-ounce energy drink.The researchers found noticeably diminished function and diameter of blood vessels using an ultrasound measurement indicating overall blood vessel health. They found dilation was 5.1% in diameter before and fell to 2.8% after, suggesting an acute impairment of function.Higgins reports a lot of young people use energy drinks when they exercise, or in circumstances when the body requires top functioning arterial blood flow, so oxygen may get to the cells quickly. However, this reduction in vessel diameter effectively restricts blood flow and oxygen delivery. He commented:“It's more work for the heart and less oxygen supply for the heart. This could explain why there have been cases where kids have had a cardiac arrest after an energy drink.” Today, performance is the name of the game. From the gym to the office to the bedroom, more and more adults want to function at their best, mentally and physically. No matter your end goal... gain energy to push through fatigue, raise your metabolism to help burn body fat, maintain your blood flow, pump your muscles, or simply sharpen your mind... the drink you choose matters. The addition of hydrogen to water has these benefits in animal and human studies: -Demonstrated anti-fatigue effects on swimming mice -Pre-exercise hydration with hydrogen-rich water reduced lactate levels and improved exercise-induced decline of muscle function -A natural antioxidant to combat stress, and destroys free radicals without breaking down into new ones -May regulate immune responses and cardiometabolic disease There are a number of ways to administer hydrogen. For example, you can inhale hydrogen gas, and for this, there are inhalation machines you can buy. Caution is required, however. The gas produced at the cathode is hydrogen gas, but if the electrodes are impure or develop mineral buildup, and the water you're using has chloride in it, then chlorine gas can be produced, which you would then inhale.Other methods are drinking and/or bathing in hydrogen-rich water, and there are several ways to do that. For example, you could bubble it into the water from a tank of hydrogen gas and dissolve it under pressure. Just keep in mind that if you plan on storing it, you cannot use plastic containers, as the hydrogen molecules are so small they'll dissipate right through the container.For clarification, hydrogen gas is simply two hydrogen atoms bound together. When you dissolve it into water, it will not attach to the water molecules, so there's no risk that you're going to create some other structure. There are also intravenous hydrogen-rich saline injections and hyperbaric hydrogen therapy, developed in Japan. Please refer to these resources for further reading of this event’s material: Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 Aug 21;386(2):316-21 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23680032 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23475767 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1551534 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18820700 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9510246 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28669654 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22608009 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23400965 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4865993/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19789628 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21293445 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28098910 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23326534 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19083400 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1166304 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29142752 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4393812/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22146004 https://medicalgasresearch.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/2045-9912-2-12 https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2018/2571269/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-26388-3 https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/489737 https://www.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/ajplung.00008.2011 https://m.health24.com/Diet-and-nutrition/News/a-single-energy-drink-might-harm-blood-vessels-study-20181105 https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-11/aha-joe102618.php https://www.heart.org/en/news/2018/11/30/energy-drinks-cramming-for-final-exams-could-be-unhealthy-mix https://www.heart.org/en/news/2019/05/29/energy-drinks-may-provide-jolt-to-heart-function-blood-pressure We’ve made it through our event, and I hope that each of you has gained some valuable information from our time together! I would love to hear your thoughts, questions, and any other insight you’d like to share. Please feel free to converse in the comments or message me privately at [email] I’m here for all of you! [cta]
<![CDATA[Health and Nutrition Controversies on Fun Friday]]>Sat, 03 Oct 2020 20:57:01 GMThttps://functionised.com/hhh/health-and-nutrition-controversies-on-fun-friday
Common Controversies in Health and Nutrition, and Our Opinions of Them Part 1
  • Nutrition is a heated debate on a daily basis due to misguided and conflicting information, but that alone, doesn’t make the whole story. 
  • Certain aspects of health and nutrition, even though known, are still controversial and sometimes it’s not known the best way or approach on some of these topics.
  • There is a list of some of the most debated controversies in the nutritional world, and next we are going to discuss our view, knowledge, and opinions on the first several of them in this series

  1. Food misinformation in the media and the lack of disclosure to consumers of what’s in the nutritional supplement or food or whether what’s on the label is the same as what’s in the product.
    1. Huge issue! This is a big thing we correct here at Functionised routinely. 
    2. Media is trusted for entertainment, not accuracy of information, especially when there is sponsors involved
    3. “Sugar free”- has high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, 20g carbs, white flour, etc
      1. “Cellulose ingredient”- saw dust
        1. Ingredient labels may say what something is, but also may just hint it
      2. What's natural and artificial flavorings? It’s on the ingredient list but still doesn’t give you a clue as to what it is
  2. The need for more resources, education, and directories on type 2 diabetes prevention
    1. Personally I’m not sure that’s the answer
    2. US spends more time and money on obesity than any other country, and we are still the fattest
      1. 21% of US medical spending ($190billion) a year is spent on obesity related diseases. 
    3. I personally (Dr Mike) feel like the knowledge is out there. I have never had someone surprised that they have diabetes, they almost always know the basics as to how to fix it, they just can’t won’t and look for the magic pill and state how it’s difficult
      1. Convenience of food, drive throughs, microwavable meals, taste of sugar and fat, no energy to exercise (no energy when we eat like garbage), etc
  3. Does the FDA Protect the Public?
    1. Yes, more than many think, but less than the FDA thinks
    2. They are good at telling us information, and telling us what they won’t tell us. Exclusion does not equal lying in these cases
      1. Keeps insect fragments to a few hundred for every gram of spice or food in a can/container, or limits “forgein matter” like ciggertte butts and parts
        1. Imagine how bad it would be if the FDA didn;t limit these things? 
    3. They force a certain amount of transparency on food packages that though marketeers have manipulated and look for loop holes (the sprinkles example, “keto product”, sugar free”, etc) but it is better than if they weren’t in place
      1. Would be impossible to trust food products
    4. BUT...who pays the FDA?
      1. If the US government makes money, tax, direct profit, etc from a product, the FDA rules are going to be more lax
      2. Supplement companies have to pay extra to have their items certified and checked. Since no governing bodies make money directly from supplement sales, they care less, unless paid extra for it.
  4. Can You Blindly Trust Big Business, Food Companies, Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Manufacturers, Vitamin and Nutritional Supplement Firms, and the Government?
    1. No. Everything is a business market and the point is for them to make money.
    2. Unfortunate but true, but your health is their business
      1. Between insurance, supplements, medicine, the average American spends between $5k and $20k a year on their health
  5. What’s the Way the Public Thinks about Nutrition in Different Countries?
    1. Every culture has it’s own definition and beliefs as to what is healthy and nutritious based off of their environment, ancestral and cultural routines
    2. Most country have a higher faith in their government to take care of and care for their health.
    3. There was a survey on French vs American dietary believes, and one of the questions was “What is your first thought when you hear chocolate cake?”
      1. French picked “celebration”, “party”, Family”.
      2. Americans “regret”, secretive” 
    4. Japan- known for drinking and smoking with karoke routinely
      1. 84yr life span
      2. No quarantine and some of the lowest covid cases and deaths.
      3. Lot’s of tea and herbs in cooking from wive’s tales and traditions
        1. They usually come from at least some truth
    5. Aboriginals- They have no plumbing or health care other than a magic man, but no heart disease, DM, stroke, obesity, thyroid issues.
      1. They do have a higher incidence of parasites and fungal issues
      2. Average aboringals life span is 70-80 yrs depending on where- Australia’s are the highest
    6. French paradox-
      1. Their food is of better quality with less GMOs, hormones, etc
      2. Many people “no longer have” food allergies and sensitivities when they eat French/Itailian food
        1. Reasons why other countries do Not buy our food products
      3. They do a lot more daily walking and biking and this is common in most of Europe compared to us so they are naturally getting more exercise
        1. 37% Europeans commute to work/school by foot or bicycle 
        2. 90% of Denmark has a bicycle and only 56% has a car
        3. Oregan has highest bike commuting rate at about 6%
    7. India- Soy is the food of life
      1. Genetic predisposition/evolution for it
      2. Is it the same quality and estrogenic effects of our soy?
      3. 10 yrs shorter life expectancy than ours, but they have an image of being healthy and living to an old age
  6. Can Your Diet be Tailored or Customized to Your Genetic Signature?
    1. It can, and that’s what we do
    2. You can go far more specific than food sensitivities into 
      1. What enzymes do you have and what specific proteins doyou digest, don’t digest, nutritional and hormonal responses to food, insulin surges, sensitivity to caffeine and other detoxification substances
    3. But, how much would it change in a year, decade, life time?
      1. How much of it can still be changed by nature?
      2. We are designed to be expert adaptors, so the genetic read may change over time, so does genetics control it or does environment control genetics?
      3. May be another reason to stick to a type of liveable lifestyle that is based on your environment, beliefs, and make sure that it is maintainable and manageable. 
  7. What Can You Do About Childhood Obesity?
    1. It’s really us as parents. Not teachers, doctors, restaurants, kid’s friends etc.
      1. They only make an impact if your impact is weaker.
      2. Lead by example, you are their role model. Have them follow you in a positive way so make them better than you are. It should be the goal of evolution 
    2. Teach your kids how to cook! If you don’t know how, learn together and improve both of you
    3. Get your children active, and be active with them
      1. Sports, nightly walks, squats in the kitchen, “speedy yard cleanup”, etc
      2. If I played video games, even through soccer season, I had to be outside for every hour I was playing games.
    4. You are buying the food. If it’s healthy for you, it’s healthy for them and vice versa. If it’s not there, they can’t eat it.
    5. Let treats be...treats and not the standard. 
  8. Are Nutrition Journalists Taken as Seriously as Licensed Nutrition Healthcare Professionals?
    1. They shouldn’t be, but this is depending on what is the level of licensure we are talking about
    2. The one about reasons to not lose your quarantine weight, was someone in undergrad and her reference was “fact checked by” and it was someone in her sorority, and there was a lot of false information in there and to me discredited both of them
    3. Most Licensed nutritional healthcare providers don’t stay up to date on new research, change with the times and new ways of practicing.
      1. People don’t know the difference between a nutritional blogger and me, and this is a problem!
    4. Most journalists just paraphrase what they heard someone else say about a science report at best and is almost always full of their opinions more than facts.
      1. Realise their job is to get people to read, not necessarily help with their health.
    5. Nutritionist- can be anybody that is offering nutritional help
      1. From a multi degreed doctor, to a part time personal trainer that is in the middle of their undergrad degree in exercise physiology
      2. Dietician- at least a bachelors, a masters degree in some states and an internship
        1. Usually more medically focused due to training in hospital environments
  9. Science Versus Nature in Nutrition
    1. Not entirely sure what this debate means, but let’s go at this angle; if in a 3rd world country, it’s nature all the way.
      1. If it’s the environment that your great grandparents down to you lived in, your body has literally adapted to living off of that soil.
      2. Inuits again are the prime example of how they have grown naturally larger livers to process all of the fat and organ meats and live healthfully without produce.
    2. In 1st world/developed nations like us, do as much as possible
      1. What are we defining as science? GMOs, artificial food, peanutbutter as powder, this is science, its also deadly for you
      2. Nature, as in keeping things as little processed and natural as possible would beat science in this case. 
      3. If speaking of science as doing blood work for sensitivities, hormones, CBC, etc to help determine what the healthy lifestyle should be, then I go with science, but do so in the most natural way possible
  10. Is Bottled Water Safe?
    1. Glass is better, it has half the amount of estrogens as plastic water bottles
      1. 60% have “mild to moderate” estrogens in it, all have scarce.
      2. Between Bpa’s and the estrogens attached to hydrogens
    2. About 90% of our water supply is considered safe, but it varies a lot based on municipalities, type of sewage and filtration systems
    3. Probably the best overall bet in terms of safety if you have to guess
  11. Fad diets versus nutrition research by scientists.
    1. Fad diets by definition are designed to fail after the short term start
    2. Research depends on how well the research was done, was it for special population (elderly, pregnant, gout, sick, etc)
    3. Is either manageable and able to stick to for the individual?
      1. 6 meals a day won’t work for a surgical nurse
      2. 1 meal a day and no snacking is tough for a chef
      3. Does the individual know the how to do what they are supposed to? Someone saying be vegetarian or be keto without giving details on how much fat, protein, carbs to eat, should the vegetarian avoid soy and if so, how to substitute it? What should I supplement if Im eating no veggies.
    4. Find what works for your body, works for your life, is something you can realistically do, is good for your health history
  12. Sugar or Sweeteners Added to Foods for Taste
    1. From a health point, food doesn’t need to taste good, but it helps
      1. Food does NOT need to be sweet to taste good
        1. We are made to be very sensitive to sweet but in our society our taste buds change rapidly (so reversible) to make sweet things taste less sweet, so we want more of it and naturally sweet things like dark chocolate taste bitter
    2. Sugar is usually empty calories like alcohol.
    3. Artificial sweeteners, depends. 
      1. Plant based and non-glycemic or insulin boosting like erythritol and stevia, okay
      2. Not the same as aspartame and sweetnlow
    4. How about add naturally sweet things to your meal? 
      1. Add blueberries to steak and eggs on the side
    5. Arguably worse is natural and artificial flavoring for taste. 
      1. They don’t have to, nor do they, state what is in these
      2. Natural just means something natural was in it, like a bug that becomes a red dye or that tastes like vanilla when ground up
        1. Maple flavor- Methyl cyclopentenolone
        2. Coconut flavor - gamma-hexalactone
          1. Considered 100% natural

<![CDATA[Why Everything You Know About Cholesterol is Wrong on Healthy Happy Hour with Jim Goetz and Chantea Goetz]]>Tue, 29 Sep 2020 23:48:36 GMThttps://functionised.com/hhh/why-everything-you-know-about-cholesterol-is-wrong-on-healthy-happy-hour-with-jim-goetz-and-chantea-goetz
Other lifestyle factors to consider for minimizing your risk for heart disease include: -Reduce your net carbs and eliminate processed fructose. Replace the lost calories with higher amounts of healthy fats, not protein. -Normalize your omega-3-to-omega-6 ratio. Most get far too little omega-3, found in fatty fish such as wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, anchovies, fish oil and krill oil, and too much omega-6, as it is plentiful in processed vegetable oils and hence processed and fried foods. -Optimize your vitamin D level by getting regular, sensible sun exposure. Other nutrients of importance include magnesium and vitamins K2 and C. -Get eight hours of high quality sleep each night to normalize your hormonal system. -Get regular exercise and move your body as much as possible throughout the day.
Magnesium plays a vital role in biological function and mitochondrial health and is a culprit in the development of inflammation when your levels are low. It may also play a role in inhibiting the deposit of lipids on arterial walls and plaque formation.A century ago your diet provided nearly 500 milligrams (mg) of magnesium per day. Today, courtesy of nutrient-depleted soil, you may be getting only 150 mg per day. Your body flushes excess magnesium through your stool, so using magnesium citrate and monitoring stool consistency, consider starting with 200 mg of oral magnesium citrate and gradually increasing until you develop slightly loose stools.
There are multiple factors affecting the inflammatory process in your body. Some of the more significant over which you have control, include:• Hyperinsulinemia — An excess of insulin in your blood triggered by a diet high in net carbohydrates. What you eat tends to be the deal-breaker in how much insulin your body secretes. However, there are other factors contributing to your insulin levels, such as smoking, sleep quality, exercise, and vitamin D level. • Unbalanced fatty acids — Your body needs a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Unfortunately, most diets have an overabundance of omega-6 fats leading to greater levels of inflammation. Strive for a 1-to-1 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats to reduce inflammation and your risk of heart disease.
The Minnesota Coronary Experiment was a study performed between 1968 and 1973 that examined the relationship between diet and heart health. The results were left unpublished until 2016 when they appeared in the BMJ. An analysis of the collected data revealed lowering your cholesterol levels through dietary intervention did not reduce your risk of death from coronary heart disease. The researchers found that for every 30-point drop in total cholesterol, there was a 22 percent increase in the risk of death from cardiac disease. Upon autopsy, the group eating vegetable oil and the group eating saturated fat had the same amount of atherosclerotic plaques in their arteries, but the group eating saturated fat experienced nearly half the number of heart attacks as the group eating vegetable oil.I know that we’ve covered a lot of information.

<![CDATA[Super Foods- Hype or Reality on Fun Friday at Functionised]]>Sat, 26 Sep 2020 11:55:02 GMThttps://functionised.com/hhh/super-foods-hype-or-reality-on-fun-friday-at-functionised
“Super Foods”; Are They Anything More Than A MArketing Phenomenon
  • I hear people a lot on podcasts, in blogs, even nutritional magazines now talk about “Super Foods” as a new keyword in health circles
    • If you do an internet search for it, you will find several hundred foods that span from almost all meats, vegetables, fruits, and herbs and there’s no classification system to it
    • “I think this is healthy, so let’s call it a Super Food”
  • Though I hear the term a lot, I never hear about why to eat it and more so, how. 
    • I get asked all the time how to eat certain foods post sensitivity testing, and if you don’t have tasty ways of eating healthy food, you aren’t going to eat it
      • Look at the stereotype of kids and vegetables
      • I’ve also been thinking about recipes every few seconds due to the restriction of my dietary habits of the Functionised Keto Project Movie
  • Also, this is another term that personally drives me nuts (Dr. Mike) but I’ll keep the ranting of that to a minimum
  • Below are some of the more common foods that people categorize as a Super Food, and you’ll notice a few patterns
    • High micro nutrient content
    • No/very low sugar and glycemic-insulin response
    • High in antioxidants, and good for sugar balances
    • Unprocessed 
    • High fat and protein ratios
    • Most have bright and varying colors
  • Presuming no sensitivities or allergies to them, these are good starts as staple foods for a healthy lifestyle

  1. Turmeric
    1. It’s a root vegetable with the golden pigment curcumin
    2. Antimicrobial, anti inflammatory, and mild spice kick to taste
    3. Crosses the Blood Brain Barrier
      1. Shown to help prevent and reverse the characteristic signs of Alzhimer’s disease of neural degenerated cells
    4. Some ways of using it are:
      1.  Season on Salmon, chicken, meat balls, pasta dishes
  2. Matcha tea
    1. A study shows it’s Anti oxidant levels of one called EEG are up to 100x higher than  standard green tea 
    2. Rich in micronutrients and appears to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol 
    3. Some ways of using it are:
      1. USually found in powder form for Tea, fat bombs, cookies, shakes
  3. Avocado
    1. High amounts of the monounsaturated fats oliec acid such as in olives.
    2. Lowers LDL and may help raise HDL
    3. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Avocado boats, in a grilled cheese, guacamole
  4. Blueberry
    1. Dark berries tend be on the lower side of sugar for fruits, and the pigments anthocyanins are a potent antioxidant
      1. black berries, cherries, mulberries, etc
      2. Nutrient dense
    2. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Pairs well with steak, low sugar muffins, almond flour pancakes
  5. Ginger
    1. Shown to help morning sickness and nausea that are pregnant or going through chemotherapy treatments
    2. Helps with indigestion, stomach pain,  and anti parasitic
    3. Helps with muscle soreness in moderate quantities like in tea
    4. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Sushi, soups, most meats, tea
  6. Egg
    1. One of the best sources of choline 
    2. Very nutrient dense and a great protein source
  7. Cauliflower
    1. Cruciferous vegetables have sulforaphane which is an antioxidant and anti carcinogen 
    2. High fiber
      1. Can rapidly shift bacterial growth and floral environment
    3. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Very versatile, found in everything recently from pizza, doughs, purees, cakes, or fried in bacon grease
  8. Almonds
    1. Loaded with magnesium, antioxidants, and omega 3 monounsaturated fats
    2. Some ways of using it are:any products needing flour, in cookies or fat bombs, put in smooth peanut butter to confuse my friends
  9. Chia and Flax Seeds
    1. Can be used as an egg substitute in baking 
      1. 1 tbsp seeds with 3 tsbp water and wait at least 5 minutes for it to congel 
    2. Fiber and omega 3’s
    3. May help with female hormone regulation
    4. Some ways of using it are:
      1. On shakes or salads, pancakes
  10. Soy
    1. Has a lot of phytoestrogens that depending on your current hormone levels, genetic predisposition to produce equol, they are weak estrogen mimics that may act as a Sarm (selective estrogen receptor modulator) with out without estorgenic effects 
      1. In certain populations; go back and listen to last week’s episode for a lot more on that
      2. Listen to last weeks show on 9/18/20 for more details
    2. It is a non-meat complete protein so the golden google of vegetarian alternatives
    3. Some ways of using it are:
      1. I used to melt tofu in soups and sources for a texture and more protein
  11. Seaweed
    1. Iodine, praised for having some  b12
    2. Seaweed is where fish gain most of their omega 3 content from
    3. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Salads, sushi. 
  12. Beets
    1. One of Dr/ Mike’s favorite foods
    2. Strong anti inflammatories and is good for the stomach and regulating digestion
    3. May help cause apoptosis of tumor cells
    4. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Red beet eggs, great with fish in a side binegar dressed salad, borscht
  13. Garlic
    1. Antiinflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal
      1. A sulfur compound called Allicin is the main contributor 
      2. Has been used a lot as a remedy for burns, early or prevent infections, nail fungus
    2. Increases immune function and WBC reproduction 
    3. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Roasted, stuffed in pork chops/chicken, 
  14. Walnuts
    1. Looks like a brain and is good for it
    2. Like most other items on this list, great for omega 3’s, fiber, anti inflammatory properties and has floral balancing benefits
    3. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Crush them in baked goods, powdered crust for cat fish
  15. Sweet potato
    1. Personal favorite
    2. Eat the skins of potatoes, and in general!
      1. It is typically where the majority of fiber and micro nutrients are in fruits and vegetables. Missing out on the benefits when you peel them
      2. Different colors of potatoes will have different amounts of nutrients, different types of antioxidants and flavonoids
        1. Variety is the spice of life
    3. Some ways of using it are:
      1. As a crostini, in cookies with cinnamon and cream cheese, as a taco vessel
  16. Coconut
    1. Has been a major “super food” and advertised and used heavily more recently
    2. Full of MCT oils that helps with metabolism, oxidations, and generally great for everything from brain to skin health
    3. Another very versatile food that can be used in almost anything
    4. The milke/water from it is full of electrolytes and known as “nature’s sport’s drink”
    5. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Tequila! On top of nut butters and celery, crust to seafood, stuff inside of chicken,  anything to add unsweetened sweetness to food
  17. Cacao/coco nibs
    1. These are the nutritious components of chocolate in its pure and raw forms
    2. Far more beneficial in terms of antioxidants
    3. Good source of neurotransmitter metabolites and iron
    4. Helps with creating nitric oxide levels for circulation and blood pressure
    5. Some ways of using it are:
      1. BioBark!, add it to anything that you want a chocolate taste for, fat bombs, shakes, placed into the crust of baked goods
  18. Macadamia Nuts
    1. Possibly the highest fat induced nut out there of multiple types of monounsaturated fatty acids like palmitoleic and oleic acids
    2. This was a strong staple food for me during phase 2 of the Keto Project movie to keep my fats high and protein lower.
    3. Low glycemic and very filling
    4. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Powdered in pancakes, on top of freshly made sherbert, in stir frys
  19. Grass finished beef
    1. You are what you absorb and what you eat eats
      1. Omega 3s
      2. A major reason why our meat sources are not as nutritious as years ago is due to feeding them inflammatory grains and pumping them full of hormones for growth and mass
        1. Grass finished is noticeably more nutrient dense than grain fed meats and are anti inflammatory and helps off set the arachidonic acid 
    2. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Fork or fingers have been great, I’m sure adding anything to it makes it a bit tastier but the nutrient value is great
  20. Maca
    1. It has garnered a lot of attention as a boost to libido, energy, and potential fertility and erectile dysfunction
      1. Used a lot in aboriginal tribes and throughout the centuries
    2. Used a lot in powder form for teas, shakes, in parts of bread, in bars here at Functionised. 
  21. Sardines
    1. “Health food in a can”- but get them fresh to avoid the BPA’s that are o nthe inside of the aluminum cans
      1. Loaded with omega 3’s and calcium!
    2. They are in the lower part of the marine food chain so has much lower levels of mercury than a lot of aquatic life
    3. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Pizza, on crackers with oil, pasta
  22. Kimchi, kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, fermented foods in general
    1. Rich in probiotics
      1. Some people do not handle fermented foods well due to the release of histamines and can present like an allergy or sensitivity
        1. Those due to genetic reasons or leaky gut, may not have the enzymes to break down the histamines and get inverse reactions
      2. In these populations, there could be reverse effects on our gut health that present as bloating, gas, irritated bowel and will not assist in keeping a good floral environment
      3. Otherwise is great for controlling inflammation in the bowel and help with chrons, IBS, etc and feeding “good bacteria”
    2. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Kimchi korean bbq pizza! Sauerkraut as a base for certain soups like beef and barely. Kombucha before and after a night out
  23. Cinnamon
    1. Surprisingly potent spice which comes in 2 forms
      1. Cassia- “regular cinnamon” and most commonly found
        1. Has toxicity potential in large doses
        2. Could irritate liver, drop blood sugar too low for diabetics, and may interfere with some medication.
      2. Ceylon- “true cinnamon” which is lighter in color and a bit more bitter
        1. Stronger and more potent health effects with insulin resistance, anti inflammatory and anti oxident
    2. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Mixes great with nutbutters, cinnamon butter on holidays, on lamb!
  24. Salmon- wild caught
    1. Many people apparently don’t like salmon, but then I find it’s more of they don’t know how to cook it to keep a more mild “fish taste” if thats undesired.
    2. Seafood gold standard if wild caught and is praised for it’s omega 3’s
      1. Astaxanthin which is an omega 3 carrying pigment that crosses the BBB and is great for neural inflammaotion
        1. It’s what makes both salmon and flamingos pink
    3. Some ways of using it are:
      1. Turmeric and parm salmon, cooked on pineapple rings, stevia brown sugar coated, stuffed in a poblano 
  25. Quinoa
    1. “The other vegetarian gold standard”
    2. Another complete protein 
    3. Is a seed that acts like a gluten free grain
    4. Being used by NASA to grow in space as the first intergalactic producible food
    5. Full of fiber and quercetin 
      1. Helps with blood sugar regulation, decreases triglyceride synthesis, strong anti oxident 
    6. Some ways of using it are:
      1. As a replacement for anything involving rice, pasta, base of soups and stews.
